No Mass for the Feast of the Assumption at St Mary Magdalen

We regret that there is no Mass for the Feast of the Assumption on 15th August 2024. It is a holy day of obligation, Masses can be found at other parishes, including:

St Peter's, Portland Road, Hove: 10am and 5pm

St John the Baptist, Kemptown: 9.30am 

Sacred Heart, Hove: 12 noon

St Joseph's, Elm Grove: 6pm

Michael O'Brien and Alice Walsh RIP

 Of your charity, please pray for the repose of the soul of Michael O'Brien, our dedicated altar server and parishioner, who died peacefully, fortified by the Sacraments, on 13th August 2024. May his soul and the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Pray too for his family and loved ones who grieve his loss. Pray also for the repose of the soul of Alice Walsh, the mother of our parishioner, Michael. May their souls rest in peace.